This article will show you how to generate a list of your contacts. It will also demonstrate how to sort your contacts and generate a CSV file for internal office use.
- Hover your mouse over the Reports menu and click on Office Reports.
- Locate the Contact Reports section and click Contacts Exporter.
- Filter contacts according to Name, Allocated Agent, Date of Last Contact, Categories and Contact Sources (Optional).
- More than 1 Contact Category and Contact Source can be selected at this point. Simply select a category from the drop-down menu and click Add to Filters to add more than one category.
- Select which information you would like to display. In this example, we are displaying the Full Name, Company, Home Phone, Mobile Phone, Contact Source and Allocated Employee.
- Click Generate to generate this list.
- Click the Export Report button to choose the format you would like your report in.
- This will then download a copy of the list in your chosen format.
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