Contacts that you wish to import into iDashboard must be saved in a CSV (Comma Delimited) file. This can be done from an Excel file by going to File > Save As > select type CSV.
iDashboard contact records must have (at minimum) a last name or Company name, and the data to upload can only contain fields that are available in the system:
first name
last name
partner first name
partner last name
partner email
home phone
mobile phone
business phone
physical street
physical suburb
physical city
physical postcode
physical state
postal street
postal suburb
postal city
postal postcode
postal state
company name
sync id
contact source
envelope greeting
letter greeting
min price
max price
min bedrooms
max bedrooms
min bathrooms
max bathrooms
min car parks
max car parks
requirement category*
These should each be in a separate column in the file that is being imported. You can download a Template for your CSV Here.
*Requirement Category must be in a certain format for it to process successfully, the following are acceptable formats:
- residential_sale
- residential_rental
- rural_sale
- business_sale
- commercial_sale
- commercial_rental
- holiday_rental
Once you have the file saved, here is what you do in iDashboard
- Hover over the Contacts menu item and select Import Wizard.
- Click Browse to locate your contact CSV file and click Upload.
- Confirm that you are allowed to import the contacts provided in your CSV file.
- Once the file is uploaded you will need to allocate the data.
(a) You can pick a controlling agent for all of the contacts, and you decide whether or not the contacts will only be visible to the allocated agent (see image below).
(b) You can now also pick whether or not to subscribe these contacts to any automatic compositions/subscriptions.
(c) Scroll down past the subscriptions and you will be asked to Map / Match the import fields into iDashboard. Once complete, press Run Import. - A popup will be displayed to show the estimated time to import your contact CSV file. Click Start Import to begin.
- You will then see a message advising that we are importing your contacts and that an email will be sent once complete.
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